Jeff Goodman Studio


Blown glass installation
66″ diameter X 16″deep

Designed by Sylvia Lee

Sylvia lee, Executive and Creative Director of  The Goodman Studio is pleased to present ‘Horizon’ for DesignTO 2019. Building on the multi-year success of the studio’s past projects for Toronto’s Design Week, Lee will return to traditional glass blowing with the Horizon exhibition and fill the window at loop gallery with floor-to-ceiling blown glass pieces.

“Last year we really pushed the technical envelope with our origami inspired glass installation. This year with Horizon, we use traditional blown glass as a vehicle to inject unapologetic, intense, beautiful colour into a space. This is about passionate colour and how we can live with glass as an architectural element in our everyday life.”

On the concept, Lee says “I imagined looking through the keyhole of a door, and seeing the horizon at sunset. I wanted to translate the intensity of colour in that micro experience into a macro expression. Horizon at loop gallery is that macro expression.”